Emily Barlow-Krelina, MA
Graduate Student
I have a keen interest in how neurological conditions affect the developing brain, and how individuals might overcome cognitive deficits via neural adaptations, changes in their approach to a problem, or alterations to their environment.
For my Master’s project, we investigated the functional activation patterns of cognitively-preserved youth with MS during a working memory task, to assess whether subclinical inefficiencies in processing or compensatory recruitment could be taking place. Moreover, we explored whether one’s engagement in strenuous physical activity correlates with disease processes (i.e. relapse rate, brain volume), and with differential activation patterns in youth with MS.
As I move into my PhD this coming year, I hope to learn more about how pediatric-onset MS affects the typical development of executive functions. As performance on typical tasks of executive function have not fully mapped on to skills in daily life, we will also explore the qualitative experiences of these youth and their families. We hope to gain insight into the real-life consequences of executive dysfunction, as well as provide a voice to those affected by this disease, so that future research can be better guided to meet patient needs.
In my free time, I like to watch movies, practice yoga, and climb with my fellow labmate Elisea. I’m hoping to keep up my yoga practice enough to eventually get my teacher training.
Emily Barlow-Krelina, MA
PhD candidate
Clinical-Developmental Program
Clinical Neuropsychology Stream
York University